[품질경영학회지] 2022년도 3월호 (제50권 1호) 발간 안내
  • 한국품질경영학회 / 2022-03-30 / 2,463
Volume 50(1); March 2022http://www.jksqm.org
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Volume 50(1); March 2022

We are pleased to deliver table of contents alert for Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management.
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management Open access articles are now available at http://www.jksqm.org.

Table of Contents
Quality Policies
1A Study on the Implementation Plan for Public Service Quality Management Applying the ISO 18091 Framework
Jihoon Cho, Jebum Pyun
21A Study on the Improvement of the Defense-related International Patent Classification using Patent Mining
Kyung-Soo Kim, Nam-Wook Cho
General Quality Researches
35Meaning and Policy of Changing R&D Process for the Digital Transformation(DX)
Eun Il Son, Chang Hwa Baek
43A Study on the Intention of Financial Consumers to Accept AI Services Using UTAUT Model
Sun Mi Kim, Young Doo Son
63A Study on the Effects of Risk Perception and Opportunism on the Project Performance
Chang Soo Yoon, Dong Hyuk Jo
77Group-wise Keyword Extraction of the External Audit using Text Mining and Association Rules
Yoonseok Seong, Donghee Lee, Uk Jung
91A Study on the Effect of Supervisor's Coaching Leadership on Positive Psychological Capital and Organizational Commitment of Organizational Members
Mi Jeong Kim, Jong Woo Park
105A Study on the Factors Affecting the Continuous Intention to Use Digital Content Over-the-Top Service
Sunju An, Jay Seo, Jeongil Choi
125A Study on the Common RPN Model of Failure Mode Evaluation Analysis(FMEA) and its Application for Risk Factor Evaluation
Seong Woo Cho, Han Sol Lee, Juyoung Kang
139The Relation between Management Efficiency and Debt Ratio in Public Institutions
Ji Kyung Jang, Soonmi Yu
Case Studies
153A Case Study on the Aggregate Planning of Multi-product Small-batch Production Facilities: Focusing on System Dynamics Simulation Modeling
Seungdoe Lee, Sang Won Kim
169A Case Study of Applying Mixture Experimental Design to Enhance Flame Retardancy of Wood-Plastic Composites
Ho-Jin Seo, Minseo Kwon, Gun-Myung Lee, Hyejin Ju, Jai-Hyun Byun
Editorial Office
13F, 145, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, 08506, Korea
TEL: +82-2-2624-0357   FAX: +82-2-2624-0358   E-mail: ksqmeditor@ksqm.org
Copyright Korean Society for Quality Management.

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