[품질경영학회지] 2023년도 9월호 (제51권 3호) 발간 안내
  • 한국품질경영학회 / 2023-09-25 / 1,193
Volume 51(3); September 2023http://www.jksqm.org
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Volume 51(3); September 2023

We are pleased to deliver table of contents alert for Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management.
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management Open access articles are now available at http://www.jksqm.org.

Table of Contents
General Quality Researches
329A Study of the Effects of an Apartment Community's Servicescape on Resident Satisfaction and Quality of Life: A Focus on New Hope Town
Youn Hee Hwang, Jong Woo Park
347The Effects of Service Quality and Sensibility Quality on Brand Fanship – For Parents of Early Childhood Education Institutions
Mi Hyun Ryu, Dong Hyuk Jo
363A Study on AI-based Composite Supplementary Index for Complementing the Composite Index of Business Indicators
NAK HYUN JUNG, Taeyeon Oh, Kang Hee Kim
381Medical Staff’s Awareness of Infected Patient Transfer Robots: Using SERVQUAL and AHP
Hyunchul Choi, Seul-Ki Seo, Jae-Yong Kwon, Sangchan Park, Hyejung Chang
403Understanding of the Overview of Quality 4.0 Using Text Mining
Minjun Kim
419A Study on Quality Improvement by Evaluation and Application of GUM-based Measurement Uncertainty
Insoo Choi, Sun Hur
435A Study on Evaluation Criteria and Procedures for Measuring Radiation Leakage of Aviation Security Equipment
Kihyun Kim, Ye-Eun Jeong, Ye-Jun Kim, Yong Soo Kim
445The Effect of Work Environment Quality and LMX of Physical Therapist in Small and Medium-sized Hospitals on Turnover Intention
Chul-Ho Cho
Case Study
461A Study on Work Development Direction of Cost Analysis through Cost Analysis of Micro Satellite
Tae Hwa Lee
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Copyright © Korean Society for Quality Management.
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