[품질경영학회지] 2022년도 6월호 (제50권 2호) 발간 안내
  • 한국품질경영학회 / 2022-06-30 / 2,680
Volume 50(2); June 2022http://www.jksqm.org
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Volume 50(2); June 2022

We are pleased to deliver table of contents alert for Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management.
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management Open access articles are now available at http://www.jksqm.org.

Table of Contents
Quality Policies
183A Study on the Development and Institutionalization Plan of a Quantitative Evaluation Model of Defense Quality Management System
Young Hyun Kim, Jin Shik Ha
199A Study on the Quality Improvement of College Scholastic Ability Test Scoring System
Youngsun Park
General Quality Researches
221Peeking Inside The Black-box of Supplier Integration for New Product Development: Salespersons’ Coordinating and Regulating Behaviors
Jaeyoung Oh
235A Study on the Effect of Relationship Benefits on Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty - For Parents Using Early Childhood Education Institutions
Eun Joung Kim, Jong Woo Park
251A Study on the Effects of the Win-Win Supportive Collaboration on Safety Climate, Safety Prevention, and Safety Behavior: From the Safety Quality Perspective of Domestic Small and Medium-sized Logistics Companies
Jinsoo Park, Sunghee Lee
265The Problem of the Quality of the Predecessor Activity on the Time and Cost of the Successor Activity in the Project Schedule - Project Schedule with Resource Constraints -
Gab Sik Kim, Byeong Man Bae, Tae Ho Ahn
Case Study
287Analysis of Salad Purchaser Types and Purchasing Behaviors through Social Network Analysis
Ji Young Ha, Se Hwa Lim
Editorial Office
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Copyright © Korean Society for Quality Management.
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